
Saturday, December 21, 2013


Bhishma said thus: “O Dharmaja!

Who ever gives away cows with good intention as charity, he enjoys heavenly plelasures. Whoever makes Godaanaa with evil intention, he suffers misery.

In this connection, I tell you a story.
In Dwaraka, there was a big well. In that well, there was a huge chameleon. One day, some people saw that chameleon. Thinking that it may spoil the drinking water, they wanted to take that chameleon out of the well with the help of big ropes. But they could not move it an inch. All of them went to Sri Krishna and complained him about the chameleon. Sri Krishna arrived at that place and saw the chameleon. Sri Krishna recognised it as King Nruga.

Beholding Sri Krishna, the chameleon came out of the well, of its own accord. “O Krishna! I am King Nruga.” chameleon introduced himself to Krishna. “Why you have taken this chameleon form. I heard you have given thousands of cows as charity. But why you are suffering like this. Is there any special reason.” asked Krishna.

“Yes Krishna. There is a reason. One day, I gave one cow to a brahmin as charity. That brahmin took away that cow to his house. Next day, he drove that cow to the nearby fields for grazing. By mistake, that cow mixed with the cows belonging to me and along with other cows, that cow also came down to our cattle sheds. Next day, I asked the cow herds to bring some cows for Godaan. Along with other cows, they brought this cow also which I have already given in charity. Not knowing that the cow has already been given in charity, I gave that cow to another brahmin. While the later was driving the cow to his house, the former attacked him and claimed that the cow belonged to him. There was a quarrel between them. They both came to me for justice.

I realised my mistake. I offered one lakh cows to the former but he denied the offer. I offered diamonds, gold etc to the later inliue of the cow. He also refused to receive them. Both brahmins were rigid about the cow. I was helpless.

After my death, I went to Yama. Yamd told me: “O king you have done several Godanas. But once you gave away one cow which has already been given to others, by which you were tainted with sin. You decide whether you suffer the sin you committed first and later enjoy the pleasures of Punya you earned, or vice versa. It is your choice.” said Yama.

I opted to suffer my sin first. Next moment, I began to fall on earth, my head downwards. On the way, one saint blessed me and said that I take the birth of chameleon and remain in this well for some time till Sri Krishna touches me. Hence I was in this well. With your touch I got rid of my sin. Now I go to heaven” said King Nruga.

“OKing Nruga! your life is a lesson to others. Knowingly or unknowingly, if Brahmin’s money is grabbed, he meets the same fate like you.” said Krishna.

Therefore, Dharmaja! dont commit such mistakes in your life.” said Bhishma.

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